Bartending schools assist beginners and practicing professionals alike to gain insight into good bartending techniques and procedures. There are many different things you, as the bartender, can remember to do each time you are bartending that could really help with improving your bartending skills, which in return your income will also improve because the happier the customers, and that means more money in your pocket. Some of the things you should already know as a bartender is of course, how to make the drinks, no matter how crazy the drinks sound, if it is what the customer wants, give it to them, and make them happy. Your bar should look nice at all times, keep the counters wiped down, empty ashtrays constantly, give refills, even without requests and always remember to communicate with the customers, make them feel as if you have known them for years.
When you are a Bartender, the hours can be long but the rewards are endless. Bartenders are the people who make and serve drinks at the bar. When a customer requests a Daisy, this is an oversized drink of any strong and sour liquor like gin or rum and served with crushed ice, fruit syrup and a straw.
Make sure to mix the ingredients thoroughly. They can be the alcoholic variety and the non alcoholic type. In the refrigerator, there should be a supply of fresh fruit juices, sodas, cream, milk, lemons and other ingredients that are perishable.
This is what makes them higher ranking bartenders. Investing in a quality education will put you on the fast track to maximized earnings in bartending.
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